We will update as soon as we learn about the progress of this impressive new mod for Fallout: New Vegas. Interested parties can view it hereYou will of course need the full version of Fallout: New Vegas on PC to try out this change. At the time of writing, an early alpha of the mod is available for download via Nexusmods. It should be noted that the Broken City mod is still in progress, and as such, many of the features described have not been included yet. Or form an alliance and save San Francisco.Join The Tanker Vagrants and defend San Francisco.Join The Brotherhood of Steel and take San Francisco.With more than 3 different main command lines:.Fallout: Broken City takes you through what remains of San Francisco.News radio station “The Breezeway” with updates in the news.
Fallout Broken City DLC mod for New Vegas main features Below are the main features the team hopes to add in the near future. There is no player animation associated with drinking from the canteen as with other Aid items, the screen notice, slight HP increase, and H2O meter drop are the only indications it is working. In addition to adding new quests and content, the upcoming mod for New Vegas will also feature new gameplay mechanics once completed, including fishing, a subway, and controllable boats. In Fallout: New Vegas, the font used for the 13 is different from the font used in Fallout and Fallout 2.